BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Early Career Group Study Day 2024 UID:26 DESCRIPTION:BOOKING NOW OPEN!\n\n Early Careers Group Study Day Saturday 6th July 2024  BDA Offices, 64 Wimpole St,London W1G 8YSThis years Early Career Group Study day will be split due to the World Endodontic Conference being held in September in Glasgow.  \n\nTHE 6TH JULY WILL BE A DAY OF MOCK VIVAS FOR POSTGRADUATES PREPARING FOR THE MEndo EXAMINATION \n\nFor Early Career Group sessions at the IFEA World Endodontic Conferenceclick here\n\n \n\nStudy Day for Postgraduates preparing for Royal Colleges Membership Examinations\n\n \n\n9.30 am                Registration, Tea & Coffee\n\n10.00 am             Introduction to the MEndo examination by Representatives from Royal College of Surgeons of England  (Dr  Phil      Tomson and Rob Crawford) and Edinburgh (Alison Qualtrough & Will McLaughlin).\n\n11.15 am             Tea & Coffee\n\n11.45 am             Session 1 Mock vivas in small groups\n\n               Room A (Dr Dominic Laverty) – Multi disciplinary cases\n\n   Room B (Dr Maria Lessani) – Endodontic cases   \n\nRoom C (Dr Phil Mitchell) – Endodontic cases\n\n1.00 pm                Lunch\n\n2.00 pm                Session 2 Mock vivas in small groups\n\n               Room A (Dr Dominic Laverty) – Multi disciplinary cases\n\n Room B (Dr Maria Lessani) – Endodontic cases\n\nRoom C (Dr Phil Mitchell) – Endodontic cases\n\n3.00 pm                Tea & Coffee\n\n3.30 pm                Session 3 Mock vivas in small groups\n\n               Room A (Dr Dominic Laverty) – Multi disciplinary cases\n\nRoom B (Dr Maria Lessani) – Endodontic cases\n\nRoom C (Dr Phil Mitchell) – Endodontic cases\n\n4.30 pm                End of programme\n\n \n\nFor further information about our Early Career Group; Click Here\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n DTSTART:20240706T080000Z DTEND:20240706T160000Z LOCATION:64 Wimpole Street London W1G 8YS END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR