Title: "Endodontic Retreatment: a British Endodontic Society Hands on Workshop"
Pre-course webinar: Wednesday 19th February
Hands on Workshop: Saturday 22nd February
CPD points: 10 hours
Venue: Birmingham Dental Hospital
Speakers: Satnam Singh Virdee & Shalini Kanagasingam
The British Endodontic Society is excited to announce the first of an intended series of hands-on workshops aimed at improving the clinical skills of delegates. This particular workshop will focus on overcoming the decision making and practical challenges associated specifically with endodontic retreatment cases. Delegates will have the opportunity to take part in small group case-based discussion, re-access endodontically treated 3D printed teeth with ultrasonics and subsequently retrieve gutta-percha via a combination of hand and mechanical instrumentation techniques. Clear and specific protocols will be provided to aid the delegate in achieving this. They will also have the opportunity to perform these procedures under a dental operating microscope and benefit from close supervision with a diverse group of expert clinicians. The pre-course webinar is aimed at meeting the delegates and providing the necessary didactic teaching elements to maximise the practical time on the course.
Further details on cost and how to book will be available shortly, together with the times of the pre-course webinar.