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Winners: BES Poster Prize

Winners: BES Poster Prize

Posters are displayed during the Spring Scientific meeting. Any registered dentist undertaking or having completed a postgraduate research project is eligible.


Year Name Poster Title
















Marc Harrington

Kings College London


Shalini Kanagasingham University of Central Lancashire


Satnam Singh Virdee University of Birmingham


Noushad Rahim



Abdulaziz Bakhsh



Mary McClory

Centre for Experimental Medicine, School of Medicine Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queen’s University Belfast

Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Non-Surgical Root Canal Treatment comparing Two Commonly used Premixed 'Bioceramic' Sealers: A Retrospective Cohort Study.


Ex vivo detection of Amyloid-Beta in Endodontic-Periodontal Oral Biofilm


Clinical performance of CAD CAM generated hybrid ceramic onlays on endodontically treated posterior teeth. 


N. Rahim*, S. Patel, F. Foschi, R. Austin, F. Mannocci,Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Craniofacial Sciences, Centre for Oral, Clinical & Translational Science King's College, London.


Nosocomial endodontic microbiome and their systemic impact

Bakhsh A*, Moyes D, Mannocci F, Niazi S.  Centre for Oral, Clinical & Translational Sciences, King’s College London, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences, London, UK


Endodontic Burden and all-cause mortality: Preliminary findings from the PRIME Study.       McClory M*, Linden GJ, Fong W, Heidarifar O, Goh T, Lundy FT, El Karim IA. 


2018 Priyanka Patel  
2017 Nirvair Kaur  
2015 Dipti Mehta
Eastman Dental Institute
2014 Iad Gharib
School of Dental Sciences, University of Newcastle
X-Ray microtomographic assessment of void volume in contact with the wall in obturated root canal
2012 Irene Soriano
Eastman Dental Institute
In vitro’ evaluation of the effect of Propidium Monoazide (PMATM) on the quantification of Enterococcus faecalis cells using culture and qPCR techniques
I Soriano*, M Vianna, DA Spratt, Y-L Ng, K Gulabivala
  Monika Sharma
Eastman Dental Institute
The utility of FISH to determine the prevalence and distribution of intraradicular bacteria and Streptococcus species in teeth associated with various pulpal and periapical conditions
M Sharma*, N Mordan, Y-L Ng, K Gulabivala
  David Selouk
Eastman Dental Institute
Preliminary investigation of oral lactobacilli as potential probiotics for root canal treatment
D Selouk*, M Vianna, D Spratt, Y-L Ng, K Gulabivala
2011 PJ Abbott
Eastman Dental Institute
Validation of a collagen film irrigation model (Huang et al. 2008) using a stained bacterial biofilm ex vivo model
PJ Abbott, Y-L Ng, J Pratten, N Mordan, & K Gulabivala
2010 M Savvides
Eastman Dental Institute
Development of an ex-vivo multi-species biofilm model in teeth for sequential low-magnification evaluation of the effect of root canal procedures.
M Savvides, J Pratten, N Mordan, Y-LNg, K Gulabivala
2009 Ms Y-L Ng
Eastman Dental Institute
The probability of and factors influencing tooth survival following non-surgical root canal treatment – a prospective study
Y-L Ng, V Mann, K Gulabivala
2008 Graeme Bryce
Eastman Dental Institute
Biofilm disruption by root canal irrigants and potential irrigants
2006 Dr Bobby Patel
Eastman Dental Institute
Development of an in vitro model for the study of microbial infection in human teeth
2005 Dr A Khot
Eastman Dental Institute
2004 Dr Geoff Bateman
University of Birmingham
UK dental schools response to a questionnaire survey of endodontic curriculum guidelines
2003 Dr PLM Tomson, SC Lea, PJ Lumley and AD Walmsley
University of Birmingham
Variation in power output of Piezon-Master 400 ultrasound generators and analytic handpieces.

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