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The Foundation Dentist Prize

The Prize for Foundation Dentists

About the award

The prize for Foundation Dentists was established by the British Endodontic Society in 1994.

Greater understanding of the art and science of endodontics is essential if patients are to benefit from the many advances in treatment which are now available. To this end, the Society has always nurtured close links with General Practitioners who carry out the vast majority of endodontic treatment in the United Kingdom.

The Foundation Dentists prize is aimed at promoting excellence in endodontics amongst the newly qualified practitioner.

Eligibility and entry requirements

The prize competition is open to all Foundation Dentists (DF1) in the U.K. during their first year of Foundation Training.  For the 2025 entry this is between September 2024 and August 2025.

Entries should be based on work undertaken during the period of Foundation Training.  Within the context of the usual high standards of advice and supervision afforded to the Foundation Dentists, the entry must be the work of the Dental Practitioner submitting the entry.

There are two methods of entry:

  1. Candidates for the prize are invited to submit either an extensive case report or series of cases relating to any clinical procedure involving endodontic treatment.

The case report should:

  • Describe the case presentation and diagnostic procedures and justify the treatment plan.
  • Describe and document the treatment provided and materials used etc.
  • Evaluate the success of treatment.
  • Include any supporting material such as radiographs and clinical photographs.


     2. Candidates may submit a project in the field of endodontology carried out during the year. The project should be a comprehensive document covering an endodontic topic carried out in General Practice written up with suitable assessments and references.

The entries must be written in English and must be typed in double spacing and submitted in pdf format.  There is a maximum overall word limit of 5000 (this includes tables but excludes references) and a maximum number of five cases submitted.  Please be aware that for reviewing purposes the entry should be as clear and concise as appropriate.  Entries should be suitable for electronic submission. Entries should be submitted under a nom de plume by the Training Programme Director of your scheme.

Award of the prize

Entries will be judged on content, style and presentation.

The winner will receive a prize of £1000. The winner will also be invited to attend the Regional Meeting of the Society as a guest and will be reimbursed for any travelling and hotel accommodation expenses. The winning FD Trainer and the Training Programme Director will be awarded free registration for the meeting.

If an exceptionally high standard of entries is received, runner up prizes of one year’s BES membership may be awarded.

The Council of the British Endodontic Society appoints the judges,whose decision will be final.  Feedback will not be provided to individuals.

The prize will be awarded by the Council of the BES on recommendation of the judges.  The Council reserves the right to withhold the prize if the standard of the entries submitted is not of sufficient merit.

The successful Foundation Dentist and Trainer, along with the Training Programme Director, must permit the publication of their photographs for the purpose of promoting the British Endodontic Society.

Closing Date

23.59 hrs on 1st July in each year of submission

Please send your entries to:

Annabel Thomas
Chief Operations Officer

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