Research Questionnaires
From time to time the BES is asked if its members can be included in a certain survey/piece of research that an individual/team is undertaking. Rather than continually contacting our members with these it was agreed to host these on a page of our website. We would encourage you to participate where possible as all contributions to research will aid the developments of the future.
Dear BES members,
My name is Beata and I am a third-year MSc student at the University of Essex. As part of my Master’s dissertation, I am investigating the experience and the approach of dental professionals towards endodontic-periodontal lesions. I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete this anonymous questionnaire.
Your response will remain confidential and based on the results, further areas of research may be carried out as well as training developed. This is independent research with ethics approval from the University of Essex Ethics Committee.
I appreciate and thank you for your time in taking part in this research. The questionnaire consists of 8 closed-ended scientific questions and it should take no more than 5 minutes.
Best wishes,
Beata Szychowska
MSc Advanced Periodontal Practice Student
School of Health and Social Care
University of Essex
Posted 19th March 2025
I'm a postgraduate student, doing my MClindent in Endodontolgy at King's College London. My project for the course is a questionnaire study with respect to the current trends in irrigation techniques in endodontists and dentists in the UK and worldwide.
I'm working under the supervision of Prof. Shanon Patel and Dr Shalini Kanagasingam.
I've received ethical approval from the university to run the study ( which I have attached to this email for your reference).
I'm writing to request for your help in this matter and would be grateful if you could put my link on your website and other social media pages with a short note introductory note on the particulars of the subject to help me stimulate a good response rate to the questionnaire. It only takes a few minutes to complete.
I'm attaching a link as well a png. of the QR code to access the survey. Neither has an expiry.

Hopeful for your assistance with the project
My sincerest thanks,
Kind Regards,
Ushna Dhanjee
Posted 1/10/24