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Early Career Group Study Day 2025: Endo meets Restorative/MEndo Exam Preparation

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Early Career Group Study Day 2025: Endo meets Restorative/MEndo Exam Preparation

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Join us for our Early Careers Group Study day on Saturday 5th July 2025 at The Royal College of Surgeons, London


There will be TWO different sessions available to choose from 





SESSION A - Endo Meets Restorative Symposium

Join us for a day of talks exploring endodontic and restorative excellence.  Delivered by clinicians in touch with the restorative challenges posed to endodontists, there will be something for all delegates to take away and implement into daily practice.

SESSION B - Examination Prep

Study Day for Postgraduates preparing for the Royal Colleges Membership Examinations


There is an option to book a Combined ticket for our VPT Masterclass (4th July) and Endo-Meets-Restorative/ Membership Examinations Study Day (5th July)

Please email to confirm your booking on both days

Organised by: Early Career Group of British Endodontic Society
Phone Number: 07762945847

The College is centrally located within easy walking distance of Holborn (Piccadilly and Central lines) and Temple (District and Circle lines) underground stations. It is a short taxi or underground journey from most major London train stations. 

From Holburn Tube Station:

When leaving the station, take the exit straight ahead (not the one on the right). After leaving the station, turn left onto Kingsway. After walking a couple of minutes turn left onto Sardinia Street. As you follow the road it becomes Lincoln’s Inn Fields. Keep going until you reach a building with black metal railings.You have reached the Royal College of Surgeons of England. If you reach the Nuffield College of Surgical Science, you have gone too far.

For further directions click here

There are also two NCP car parks are situated nearby in Covent Garden and Bloomsbury Square.

The address is:

The Royal College of Surgeons of England
38–43 Lincoln's Inn Fields
London WC2A 3PE


Please find a list of tickets for this event below.

Advance booking is available from 11 March 2025 until 27 June 2025.

Late booking is available from 28 June 2025 until 4 July 2025.

Ticket Advance booking Late booking
SESSION A, BES Member Dentist interested in Endo £150.00 £200.00
SESSION A, Non-member Dentist interested in Endo £250.00 £300.00
SESSION B, Non-Member Prep for MEndo exam £250.00 £300.00
SESSION B, BES Member Prep for MEndo exam £150.00 £200.00
2 Day Combined Ticket-BES member £350.00 £400.00
2 Day Combined Ticket-Non member £500.00 £550.00



Programme Coming soon!


Please visit this page again shortly

Delegate Terms and Conditions

Cancellations will be permitted up until the 14th June minus an administration fee of £25.  After that date no refunds will be available unless government requirements necessitate a closure.

Please note that official photographers and videographers will be present at all organised events including but not limited to conferences, meetings, study days and social events filming videos, lectures and taking photographs. By attending any event, visitors consent to such filming and photography and the British Endodontic Society is entitled to use all videos and photographs of visitors, for marketing and promotional purposes in all or any media, without compensation or liability. Should you wish to discuss this further or opt out please email us at

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