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Rupal Patel

Event speaker

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Rupal completed a Masters in Clinical Dentistry (Periodontology) from Guys Hospital, passing with a distinction in 2012.  She holds the Membership in Periodontics from the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh and is a is a GDC recognised specialist in Periodontics.   

She currently works as a Consultant in Periodontology for Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, a post she has held since 2014.  She also works within private specialist practice.   

Rupal is heavily involved in teaching; she delivers Undergraduate and Post-graduate teaching for King’s College London, provides courses for LonDec and  the London Deanery.    Rupal is an examiner for the Royal College of Surgeons England and  has published in scientific journals, including the highly respected Journal of Periodontolgy. 

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