Dr. Byron Tsivos DDS, PG Cert Dental Cone Beam CT Radiological Interpretation, MSc Endodontics (UCL)
0044 7624 32063 vtsivos@hotmail.com www.thesquare.im
Dr. Byron Tsivos has been living and working in the UK since 2006 and has received his MSc in Endodontics in 2008 at the world renowned and prestigious Eastman Dental Institute (University college of London) with distinction in the research component.
Since 2008 Dr. Tsivos has been providing reliable referral services to the Isle of Man’s dental practitioners and patients for advanced root canal treatment. He is the Chairman of the Isle of Man Dental Association, an active member of the British Endodontic Society, European society of Endodontology and the British Society of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology.
Since March 2023 Byron opened the Square Dental referral clinic in Athens Greece and he now commutes between his two clinics in Greece and UK.
He has also received a postgraduate Certificate in Strategic Management from Harvard University Boston and a postgraduate Certificate in Dental Cone Beam CT Radiological Interpretation from Kings College London.
He is currently an external Lecturer at Kings College London covering in the latter PGCert the topic CBCT and Endodontics.
Byron is considered a key opinion leader in endodontics, especially in static and dynamic navigation offering lectures and hands-on endodontic courses in UK and Internationally.
Byron is constantly lecturing in British, Greek, European and World Conferences
He has lectured in more than 59 countries.
Guided endodontics
2023 is a year that patients should be receiving cutting edge endodontic treatment. Alongside with the low radiation Cone beam CT scanners that have revolutionized diagnosis in our discipline, the evolution in software, artificial intelligence and digital dentistry in general, are leading contemporary endodontic practice to treatment capabilities that were non existing only few years ago. The developments in various dental disciplines needs to be a shared knowledge that will lead edndodontics to he new era. This lecture is about guided surgical and non sugical endodontics and will deal with the planning, the workflow and clinical application of 3D printed guides for surgical endodontic retreatment as well as dynamic navigation.