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Dr Jose Aranguren

Event speaker

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-Head of Endodontics at the University Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid.

-Assistant Professor of Endodontics at the International Dental Institute in Palm Beach, Miami(USA).

-Coordinator Professor of Adult Comprehensive Dentistry UEM. (2008-2010)

-Chairman of the Postgraduate program in Advanced Endodontics at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

-Title Degree in dentistry from the Universidad Europea de Madrid. (UEM 1995-2000).

-Specialist in Endodontics, Specialty Certificated in Endodontics University Southern Mississippi (USM) (2000-2002).

-Exclusive endodontist in private practice in Madrid (Spain) and Linz (Austria).

-More than 40 articles published in national and international journals.

-Speaker of courses and lectures nationally and internationally. ((Argentina, Portugal, USA, Colombia, Austria, Italia, Republica Dominicana, Suiza, Brasil, Uruguay, Guatemala, Honduras, Líbano, Hungria, Francia, Kuwait, Emiratos Arabes, Chile, Indonesia, Venezuela, Georgia, China, Chech Republic, Panama, Guatemala, Perú, Croacia, México, Ecuador y Costa Rica)

-Award for best case report in 2006 by the National Congress of endodontics.

-Co-author of the book “Microdentistry a practical guide”. (2014).

-Member of the executive committee of the Spanish Society of Endodontics.

-Member of the American Association of Endodontics.

-Speaker of the Carl Zeiss Dental Academy.

-President of the Spanish Association of Endodontics.     


Modern Endodontics: Let´s save teeth

 Endodontics is one of the most evolved specialities in dentistry, cases that a few years ago would go for extraction today we can maintain these teeth thanks to the new knowledge and the latest technology.

 In the office often teeth are endodontically diseased with accompanying periapical inflammation. In order to decide to treat this so called apical periodontitis, that may be present either pre- or post-treatment, criteria are needed to make the diagnosis of apical periodontitis and to decide whether to treat the observed apical pathologic lesions independent of the diagnostic method used.

Periapical radiography is a somewhat crude tool to assess the presence or absence of periapical periodontitis, but until now it has been the only objective way of assessing the outcome of endodontic treatment. There is no doubt that CBCT is a more reliable and accurate tool for assessing periapical periodontitis. One of the aims of this presentation is to assess the potential impact CBCT will have on the success rates of endodontic treatment, and also to give a glimpse of how the outcome of endodontic treatment may be evaluated in the future.

Considerable advancements have been made in the recent years in endodontic treatment. New endodontic materials have been developed(Microscopes, ultrasonics, MTA.…) Many teeth that are replaced by implant could be preserved with this technique. The other aim of the presentation , will be to evaluate the current literature on the outcome of endodontic pretreatment and apical surgery and will focus on the use of the ultrasonic instruments.

At the end of the presentation, participants should be able to: 

evaluate the potential and the outcome of endodontic treatment. 

understand the use of the new treatment instruments. 

describe the concept of total surgical treatment.

 Minimal Invasive Endodontics: Only excellence leads us to success 

 Endodontics has evolved to much in the last years. Being much more conservative and less invasive today. 

The new Slim Shaper shaping system is capable to prepare Canals in a very conservative way without altering the real anatomy of the teeth.

A minimal invasive, resistant and efficient system.

Introduce the new system of mechanical instrumentation Slim Shaper ( ZARC4endo , Zarc ) , compared it with the rest , analyzing their advantages and disadvantages. 

The new minimal shaping philosophy is going to decrease the excess damage of the pericervical dentin. At the same time we can increase a better cleaning with Apical Shaper (apical area) in necrotic cases maintaining a small access of the canal.

 In this lecture We will also talk about real clinical cases, which is the actual prognosis, clinical approach to latest tecniques, and some clinical cases of our  experience.


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