From Sara Hurley: Urgent Dental Care Services in England

The Office of the Chief Dental Officer England and NHS England and NHS Improvement have produced a commissioning standard for Urgent Dental Care services in England. The standard will support NHS England in commissioning consistent patient-centred urgent dental care services. It has been developed with patient and public input to ensure that includes the aspects of urgent care that are important to patients – for example travelling times, location of service and the environment where the service is delivered.
Implementation of the standards should ensure that patients and the public are aware of what services are available, how to access them and what they should expect from the services themselves. This commissioning standard aims to ensure urgent primary care dental services in England are high quality, responsive to local needs and deliver best outcomes for service users. It will support development of urgent dental services that are seamless with other urgent care services to ensure people with urgent dental needs are seen in the right place and at the right time.
To download a copy of this standard go to
Sara Hurley
Chief Dental Officer England (
Supporting NHS England, the Department of Health and Health Education England
BDS (UBrist), MFGDP(UK), MSc (UCL), MA (King’s), FDSRCS, psc(j)
Honorary Professor Dentistry (University of Manchester)
Honorary Doctorate of Health (University of Plymouth)
Area 1B | Skipton House | 80 London Road | London | SE1 6LH
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