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Dental profession nominations for UK Honours

Dear Colleague 

Dental Profession Nominations for UK Honours 

I am writing to request your support in acknowledging those individuals who merit state recognition. We are now looking ahead to New Year 2021 Honours and I would appreciate it if you can take the time to nominate those colleagues who you work with who have made an outstanding impact in dental care and the improvement of oral health. 

Nominations can cover specific activities or a lifetime achievement. Status or seniority isn’t important – what matters is what the person has done and the impact they have had on people’s health and care over a sustained period of time. 

I would ask you to note that the workforce of the NHS is predominantly female. As such the Health Honours Committee is looking to reflect this in its awards. In addition, the Committee is actively looking for deserving recipients of the British Empire Medal (BEM). This is awarded to those who have made a significant difference and gone beyond their day job, at any level. It is particularly apt for individuals at the beginning of their careers or even still in training. Deserving candidates may have carried out innovative work over a short period of time (3 to 4 years). Their endeavours may relate to their professional arena or voluntary work with a local community in need. The hallmark is of their contribution is frequently exemplary dedication and quiet perseverance. 

Recent correspondence from DHSC states: 

  1. People who fit the Prime Minister’s priorities for Honours:
    1. Create jobs and economic activity across the country and support a global, outward-looking Britain; 
    2. Support children and young people to achieve their potential, whatever their background; 
    3. Aid social mobility, enhancing life opportunities and removing barriers to success; 
    4. Give their time to improve their local community; and 
    5. Work to tackle discrimination in all its forms. 

The Prime Minister is keen to recognise activity which supports diversity and social mobility:

  • Women, people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds and young people 
  • Frontline NHS workers and those in under-represented professions or occupations 
  • Those working in areas outside the South East. 

When crafting your nomination, please remember it is not about replicating an individual’s CV. There is a fine art to composing and developing a successful nomination. As well as articulating the evidence of merit it is vital to adopt the right tone and language. The Honours Committee often asks for details on the number of patients, public, health care workers impacted by the nominee. The online Department of Health: Honours nomination form and guidance – Publications – useful to help develop your draft. We have attached a copy of this along with the latest Honours Citation form. 

Your nomination will need to be with no later than close of play 31st January 2019. Nominations should ideally have the support of recognised bodies/individuals and be signed-off by the Chairman/Chief Executive of the employing/educational organisation. 

Further development of text and evidence may be required to pass muster with the variety of mandatory honours boards that filter nominations ahead of any final endorsement. Whilst success is not guaranteed every time, for those with significant achievements there is no expiry date and the opportunity to revise and re-submit at a future date always remains an option worth pursuing. 

Thank you in anticipation of your assistance and receipt of your nominations in due course. 

With thanks and best wishes. 

Yours sincerely, 

Sara Hurley 

Chief Dental Officer England 

Supporting NHS England, the Department of Health and Health Education England 

BDS (UBrist), MFGDP(UK), MSc (UCL), MA (King’s), FDSRCS, psc(j) 

Honorary Professor Dentistry (University of Manchester) 

Honorary Doctorate of Health (University of Plymouth) 


Citation Drafting Guidance

Citation form – BD20 onwards DHSC

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