Change of date for the Spring Scientific Meeting 2021 to 14th October 2021
Dear Colleagues,
It’s been a difficult and life-changing twelve months since the first lockdown in 2020 and has affected most of us both personally and professionally.
The PM Boris Johnson two weeks ago announced the government’s plan to re-open schools, public and private services, and for the UK to return to some form of normality from 21st of June 2021.
This inevitably means that the Council has unfortunately had to decide to cancel once again the Spring Scientific meeting (SSM) that had been re-arranged for 12 June 2021, in order to minimise the UK’s risk of spreading the virus during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and to protect the health and wellbeing of our membership.
It is very difficult for us to predict between now and June, with certainty, if Boris’s plan will remain on track. Consequently, the BES Council has decided, as custodians of the Society and its membership, not to re-schedule the event before the summer break.
However, I am delighted to announce that we have decided with much hope to hold the SSM on Thursday 14 October 2021. This means, in fact, that it will be added as a third day to our Regional meeting already planned for 15 and 16 October in Stratford-upon-Avon. Delegates will either be able to book the SSM or Regional Meeting or all three days.
I believe that this will make it a very special BES conference combining the two meetings for the first time, and it will be a wonderful opportunity for us to finally re-emerge in one of the first face-to-face dental meetings to be held in UK, with a great line-up of speakers, table clinics, and a networking event.
On behalf of the Council, I would like thank you for your understanding and very much look forward to seeing all of you in October 2021!
Keep safe and healthy!
Best regards, Sanjeev
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