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Use of antibiotics to treat dental pain

As part of World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (18-24 November), to improve patient awareness of when antibiotics are not required to treat dental pain, we have sponsored this quick-watch, educational video with UCLan (1.5 mins). It is a... Read more

The BES awards three COVID-19-related research grants

The British Endodontic Society (BES) recently invited proposals from UK based applicants wishing to undertake immediate research to address the impacts of Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGPs) in dentistry during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Society... Read more

The BES awards three COVID-19-related research grants

  The British Endodontic Society (BES) recently invited proposals from UK based applicants wishing to undertake immediate research to address the impacts of Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGPs) in dentistry during the COVID-19 pandemic. The... Read more

BES Call for research to address the impact of AGPs in dentistry with respect to COVID-19

Please see further details on the following page BES Call for Research on AGPs with respect to COVID-19 Read more

2020 WEC/IFEA moves online and onsite for 2021

The IFEA Board of Directors has announced that due to COVID-19 this year’s planned WEC Congress in Chennai will consist of a series of 8 webinars, two per day between 23-26th September 2020, with the onsite event moving to 12-14th August 2021 in... Read more

Resumption of Dental Services in England

NHS England requests that all dental practices commence opening after 8th June where practices assess that they have the necessary IPC and PPE requirements in place Read more

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